Proudly endorsed by the National Labor Alliance

save an average of

75% versus retail1

Could your members be saving more? Let's find out.

You might be...

Reimbursing vision claims directly and missing network discounts
Facing costs that are rising more than they should
Missing out on best-in-class features that come standard with EyeMed benefits
With a No-Strings Plan Analysis You'll Know
How much could
your members save?
Find out with a custom vision plan analysis
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Why we can help

Better network mix

Nearly 98% of members stay in-network2

More effective benefits

96.6% member satisfaction3

Easier overall experience

98% of clients say we're easy to work with4

Want to learn more?
Brochure: Explore vision with EyeMed
Whether your fund currently has an indemnity plan, managed vision care plan or no coverage—EyeMed has a plan for you.
Download brochure
Whitepaper: Unions see change
How managed vision care offers solutions.
Download whitepaper
1Based on weighted average of sample transactions; EyeMed Insight network/$10 exam copay/$10 materials copay/$150 frame or contact lens allowance. Actual savings will depend on benefits, as well as provider, frame and lens selections. Retail cost based on industry averages, 2023. 2EyeMed internal book of business analysis, 2022. 3Overall Satisfaction in the EyeMed National/Book of Business Member Satisfaction Survey for 2023. 4Based on 524 survey respondents, T2B National and Strategic segment. 98% of clients responding to the EyeMed Client Satisfaction (CSAT) Survey conducted by Walker Information, 2022.